Saturday, December 28, 2019

A Research Study On Sociology - 1381 Words

Sociology is a study that requires detailed scrutiny and exploration. Comparatively, it is as meticulous as science in that it demands that those who aspire to publish a theory research, research, and research again. The same results must be calculated repeatedly and every thought must be correlated and consistent. A sociologist who was remarkably successful at doing such was George Herbert Mead. It was said of his thoroughness at his death by Professor John Dewey that, â€Å"he threw himself completely into whatever he had to do in all the circumstances and relations which life brought to him† (Dewey 309). Likewise, in the same setting, Professor Dewey speaks of his thought process stating that â€Å"his ideas were always genuinely original; they started one thinking in directions where it had never occurred to one that it was worthwhile even to look† (Dewey 311). Consequently, Mead is responsible for creating a whole branch in sociology called symbolic interactionism. This branch brought attention to the symbols in society and the correlations between them in ways that sociologist had yet to address. Though it is primarily rooted in American thought, the life of George Herbert Mead and his work has revolutionized how sociologist and psychologist consider symbols and their effect on society around the world. Biography The life of George Herbert Mead began in February of 1863. His childhood was molded by a Puritan father and many of his mannerisms later in life stemmed from this.Show MoreRelatedA Research Study Of Sociology1708 Words   |  7 Pagesobserving them for many years. In doing this they were examining individuals of different social classes along with statuses and observing their role in humankind this they labeled as the study of sociology. This evolved into a form of study beginning in the 19th century as scientists began to observe and study differences in social classes among people. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

The History of Jordan Brand - 1049 Words

Marketing Module, Assignment #2 Alexis Lizama 11-29-12 Everything now a day seems to be about repeat and consistent sells. Being able to Find the new trend and taking advantage of it. The shoe industry is no different. New styles, prices, and endorsers are always used to attract customers. With new releases being sold out within days, the Jordan brand Is a perfect example. The Jordan brand has been able to sell for over 20 years now while always making good profit. A Little Bit of History†¦ Back in 1984 the Nike company was struggling to attract customers. They had to come up with a new idea and in came Michael Jordan. After signing Jordan to a 2.5 million dollar contract, the â€Å" Air Jordan† brand was created. Originally†¦show more content†¦Another reason why technology has been able to help the Jordan brand is the advertising. Also the fact that Jordan Brand uses the internet to expose future release dates is a huge advantage. This allows customers to plan accordingly and save up money in order to buy the new product. Change If I can advise the marketing director on anything, it would be concerning the pricing. As the Jordan brand has came along, the prices have risen year by year. Many people in the shoe community no longer seek to buy Jordan monthly because of the price. I believe if the price of the shoes were dropped it would attract a lot more customers. The profit on a single shoe would drop but overall a lot more product would be sold. This would also help in the competition aspect. Customers seeing an effort to drop prices by a company might tend to lean towards them. Besides the pricing I wouldn’t have much more advise for the Jordan brand. Their ability to be consistent and advertise is what’s kept them in the market for so long. I believe the Jordan brand will always be successful. As long as the prices don’t get to a point in which the average person can afford them, there will be no problem. Coming up with designs and selling them has never been a problem for the Jordan brand. Advertising will continue to thrive as long as stars and celebrities indorse. Overall the Jordan brand has been successful for many years now and I believe will continue to do so. Bibliography! Lewis,Show MoreRelatedNike : The Man Of The Basketball Shoe1583 Words   |  7 Pages Before Michael Jordan became the prophet of the basketball shoe, he was the face of the basketball court. It was 1984 and a young, fresh-faced kid from North Carolina astonished the sports world by earning both a collegiate national title and an Olympic Gold Medal (â€Å"The History†). At the same time, the fast-rising sports apparel brand, Nike, had experienced something it never had before: a quarterly loss (Rovell). The two seemed to be a perfect match; the rising star of Jordan was just what NikeRead MoreMichael Jordan 231541 Words   |  7 PagesMichael Jordan is a very famous personality and almost everybody knows him. 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(A Time Warner Company, 2013) Different Nike’s Product have unlike Life cycle, because of epidemic and seasonality of productRead MoreNikes Athletic Footwear Products1659 Words   |  7 Pagesof its footwear and apparel products, which are produced outside the United States. The company has around 48,000 employees worldwide in North America, Western Europe, Central Eastern Europe, Greater China, Japan and Emerging Markets. The Nike brand has eight main categories: Running, Basketball, Football (Soccer), Men s Training, Women s Training, Action Sports, Sportswear and Golf. They break their revenues down to four main business segments: †¢ Footwear Nike’s athletic footwear products areRead MoreA Brief Note On The Best Sporting Memorabilia And Shoe Brand1041 Words   |  5 Pagesdisagreements on what is the best sporting memorabilia and shoe brand. However, there is a vast amount of information showing that Nike is the best sports related brand in the world. Nike is the most successful sporting brand to date. Nike also controls a majority of the sports market around the world. Finally, Nike has some of the most profitable products and partnerships in the sports. Nike is the best sporting memorabilia and shoe brand in the world, as Nike is the most successful of all of its competitionRead MoreEssay on Promotion of Nike vs. Adidas1745 Words   |  7 Pagesmarketer of athletic footwear and apparel. Almost out of the blue, the company established itself as one of the worlds most familiar brands during the 1980s and 1990s.and now 2000s. As familiar as a Coke bottle or Big Mac, the Nike swoosh logo came to symbolize not just sports culture, but street culture, as the appeal of the star players who endorsed the brand was carried onto city streets. Nike is undisputed leader in sports-oriented street wear. â€Å"Advertising Age estimated global measured advertisingRead MoreEssay on Nike: Building a Global Brand901 Words   |  4 Pages| Nike: Building a Global Brand | MKTG 4082W | | 1. Nike’s brand image, a set of emotions, feelings, and experiences with the brand, developed over time through advertising campaigns and consumer experiences with Nike. The core attributes of Nike’s brand image include high performance, innovation, and aggressiveness. Nike positioned itself as a company that makes products for athletes, by athletes. They tailor their products for serious/winning athletes and also stress their point-of-difference

Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Indolence of the Filipinos Summary

The Indolence of the Filipinos Summary Summary: Rizal admits that laziness does be among the Filipinos. but it can non be attributed to the problems and retardation of the state ; instead it is the consequence of the retardation and problems experienced by the state. Past Hagiographas on laziness revolve merely on either denying or confirming. and neer analyzing its causes in deepness. One must analyze the causes of laziness. Rizal says. before bring arounding it. He hence enumerates the causes of laziness and elaborates on the fortunes that have led to it. The hot clime. he points out. is a sensible sensitivity for laziness. Filipinos can non be compared to Europeans. who live in cold states and who must exercise much more attempt at work. An hr ‘ s work under the Philippine Sun. he says. is tantamount to a twenty-four hours ‘ s work in temperate parts. Chapter 2 INDOLENCE OF CHRONIC ILLNESS Summary: Rizal says that an unwellness will decline if the incorrect intervention is given. The same applies to indolence. Peoples. nevertheless. should non lose hope in contending laziness. Even before the Spaniards arrived. Rizal argues. the early Filipinos were already transporting out trade within states and with other adjacent states ; they were besides engaged in agribusiness and excavation ; some indigens even spoke Spanish. All this disproves the impression that Filipinos are by nature indolent. Rizal ends by inquiring what so would hold caused Filipinos to bury their yesteryear. Chapter 3: Wars. INSURRECTIONS. EXPEDITIONS AND INVASION Summary: Rizal enumerates several grounds that may hold caused the Filipinos ‘ cultural and economic degeneracy. The frequent wars. rebellions. and invasions have brought upset to the communities. Chaos has been widespread. and devastation rampant. Many Filipinos have besides been sent abroad to contend wars for Spain or for expeditions. As a consequence. the population has decreased in figure. As forced labour. many work forces have been sent to shipyards to build vass. Meanwhile. indigens who have had sufficiency of maltreatment have gone to the mountains. As a consequence. the farms have been neglected. The alleged laziness of Filipinos decidedly has profoundly rooted causes. Chapter 4: Death OF Trade IN THE PHILIPPINES Summary: Filipinos. harmonizing to Rizal. are non responsible for their bad lucks. as they are non their ain Masterss. The Spanish authorities has non encouraged labour and trade. which ceased after the authorities treated the state ‘ s neighbouring trade spouses with great intuition. Trade has declined. moreover. because of plagiarist onslaughts and the many limitations imposed by the authorities. which gives no assistance for harvests and husbandmans. This and the maltreatment suffered under encomenderos have caused many to abandon the Fieldss. Businesss are monopolized by many authorities functionaries. ruddy tape and graft operate on a broad graduated table. rampant gaming is tolerated by the authorities. This state of affairs is compounded by the Church ‘ s incorrect philosophy which holds that the rich will non travel to heaven. therefore breeding a incorrect attitude toward work. There has besides been favoritism in instruction against indigens. These are some of t he chief grounds that Rizal cites as doing the impairment of values among the Filipinos. Chapter 5: Limited Training AND Education Summary: Harmonizing to Rizal. all the causes of laziness can be reduced to two factors. The first factor is the limited preparation and instruction Filipino natives receive. Segregated from Spaniards. Filipinos do non have the same chances that are available to the aliens. They are taught to be inferior. The 2nd factor is the deficiency of a national sentiment of integrity among them. Because Filipinos think they are inferior. they submit to the foreign civilization and make everything to copy it. The solution. harmonizing to Rizal. would be instruction and autonomy.