Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci Analysis - 1692 Words

FORMAL ANALISYS: THE LAST SUPPER BY LEONARDO DA VINCI As we all know the Last Supper is the last dinner that Jesus shared with his Apostles before he was betrayed and crucified. Although this theme occurs in many works, The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci is the most famous and has been a subject of many discussions. Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most remarkable painters, sculptors, architects and brilliant philosophers of all time. He was born on April 15, 1452 near Vinci but the biggest part of his life he spent in Florence where he began drawing and after a certain period-painting. When Leonardo was fourteen he began working with Andrea del Verrocchio, who was one of the most recognized painters of his day. Da Vinci’s work soon†¦show more content†¦Leonardo’s painting actually represents the different reactions of the Apostles when Jesus told them that they would be the reason for his death and that someone among them is a betrayer. We can see from the expressions on their faces as well as their postures that they all feel various degrees of anger and surprise. Bartholomew, James and Andrew, who are at the very left corner of the table, look shocked, while Matthew, Jude and Simon, which are at the opposite corner seem to discuss what had just happened. Actually, Matthe w and Jude are turned toward Simon and it appears like they are trying to find out if he has any answer to their primary questions. Really interesting is the posture of Judas who is the only person with his right elbow on the table. He looks rather reserved and stunned by the sudden revelation of his plan. Judas is wearing blue and green clothes and is clutching a small bag, which is recognized by many to be the silver given to him as payment to betray Jesus. The most important part of his representation is that he is in shadow, which somehow reveals that he is responsible for the future death of Christ. 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